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Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 24

 As planned we could visit V K Puram and continue our Sangamam program – 24th Week -31/12/22. While we were planning to visit individuals houses overwhelmingly Around 48 elders gathered in the hall. Last 2 days Vama team with volunteers were searching for a place to conduct event. Finally Amutha Amma who is currently in Bangalore with her son supported with the space at marriage hall. Hall is situated near to Sree Vazhi Adimai Konda Nayaki Sametha Sree Sivanthiappar temple. With blessings of Sree Sivanthiappar the event started.  Participants of v k Puram have a warm welcome to Vama team.  Smt Lakshmi shared her views on the importance of meditation to improve the immunity and how to be safe during any difficult situation. Vama team requested that elders to respect the youngsters lifestyle and the blessings they got from the elders.  We only wanted that our children should not face the same difficulties faced by us. We have put all our life and sacrificed our life for their growth. Now we need to grace them and wish and enjoy with them in the Newage life.  While doing so we must also leave our heritage and culture for their value based life. Without cursing them we should imbibe our culture with youngsters in various ways to enable them to understand the values. One of the participants shared the story of Hindi film Bhagban and mentioned that it was a good theme–people should not forget their parents and discard them when they get old. He quoted the incidents especially things like Amitabh’s glasses not being repaired. Sometimes the anger was also justified such as the late-night typewriter incident and the daughter coming back home at 3 AM. He added that The ever-growing love between Amitabh and Hema was really sweet. The success of the movie is   that elders ability or skills never lost.  It is not used. We as elders work together and leave something for the generations to come. Many shared their personal experiences and also things happening around us. All accepted that we would do something memorable by the youngsters.  Sh Rangasamy, Sh Lakshman, Sh Thirmalai Murugan, Sh Vanaraj, Sh Sadasivam and Sh Ganapathy shared their experiences during their participation in the Saturday Sangamam.  Some elders introduced their spouses and thanked Vama Team to come to their location as it enabled their spouses also participate in Vama activities. Susila Mami, Meenakshi Patti and Vanaja madam served tea and elders were served with Kara Kozhikattai and sweet kozhkattai. Vama team added Thengai Sadam as Prasadam from Sree Soundarya Ganapathy temple, Sailam. While many of the elders missed some of the activities normally they do at Sailam, they respected the views of trustees and elders to avoid crowd and be careful with the Covid19 new variant. All wishes each other a Happy Nee Year 2023.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 23

சைலத்தில் சங்கமம் 23வது வாரம் – 24/12/22 – உங்கள் ஆர்வத்தைத் தொடருங்கள். மத மற்றும் வரலாற்று முக்கியத்துவம் வாய்ந்த சுற்றுலா. திட்டமிட்டபடி இன்று தச்சநல்லூர்  திருநெல்வேலில- அருகன்குளம்த்தில் உள்ள ஜடாயு தீர்த்தத்திற்கு சுற்றுலா ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டது. வி.கே.புரத்தில் இருந்து தலா ஒன்று, மன்னார்கோவிலில் இருந்து இரண்டு, ஆழ்வார்குறிச்சி மற்றும் கல்யாணிபுரத்தில் இருந்து ஒன்று, அம்பாசமுத்திரத்தில் இருந்து ஒன்று என 4 வேன்களில் எங்கள் குழு உட்பட 92 பேர் பயணம் செய்தனர். அனைவரும் காலை 10.15 மணியளவில் அந்த இடத்தை அடைந்து கோவில்கள் மற்றும் ஜடாயு தீர்த்தம், சிவ தீர்த்தம் மற்றும் ராம தீர்த்தம் ஆகியவற்றை தரிசிக்க தொடங்கினர். காட்டுராமர் கோயிலில் உள்ள அர்ச்சகர், நேற்றைய அனுமன் ஜெயந்தி முடிந்த உடனேயே பெரியோர்கள் அங்கு வர ஆசிர்வதிக்கப்பட்டதாகக் குறிப்பிட்டார். அனைவரும்  தரிசனம் செய்து பிரார்த்தனை செய்தனர். இப்படி ஒரு அற்புதமான தரிசனத்திற்குப் பலர் பகவான் ராமருக்கு நன்றி தெரிவித்தனர். அவர்கள் கோசாலைக்குச் சென்று கிருஷ்ணரை வேண்டிக் கொண்டு பசுக்களோடும் கன்றுகளோடும் பொழுதைக் கழித்தனர். இமயமலையில் இருந்து சமீபத்தில் ஸ்தாபிக்கப்பட்ட ஸ்படிக லிங்கத்தின் தரிசனத்தையும் அவர்கள் பெற்றனர். கடைசியாக  எட்டெழுத்து  பெருமாள் கோவிலுக்குச் சென்று பரஸ்பரம் ஆரோக்யமும் மகிழ்ச்சியும் அடைய வேண்டிக் கொண்டனர். கோசாலையில் கோமாதா மெஸ் மூலம் மதியம் 1 மணியளவில் மதிய உணவு வழங்கப்பட்டது.  தயார் செய்யப்பட்ட சாம்பார் சாதம் தயிர் சாதத்திற்காக நாங்கள் அவர்களை அணுகினோம், ஆனால் அவர்கள் கட்டணம் எதுவும் வசூலிக்காமல் முழு உணவை வழங்கினர் என்று சபாபதி குறிப்பிட்டார். பெருமாளால் ஆசி பெற்றோம் என அனைவரும் உணர்ந்தனர். அனைவரும் தங்கள் வீடுகளுக்குத் திரும்பிச் சென்றனர் செல்லும் வழியில் அனைவரும் க்கும், தேநீர் வழங்கப்பட்டது. மேலும் பல இடங்களில் உள்ள எங்கள் ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர்கள் அனைவரும் நலமாக இருப்பதாக எங்கள் குழு உறுப்பினர்களுக்கு உறுதிப்படுத்தியுள்ளனர். இந்நிகழ்ச்சியை வெற்றிகரமாக நடத்த அயராது உழைத்த சபாபதி முத்துவேல மற்றும்  செல்வி  ராஜலட்சுமி ஆகியோருக்கு வணக்கத்தையும் நன்றியையும் தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறோம். உள்ளூரில் ஒருங்கிணைத்து, பெரியவர்களுக்குச் சேவை செய்ய உறுதுணையாக இருந்ததற்காக  ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளருக்கு  பிறருக்கு நன்றி தெரிவித்தோம்.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 22

The 22th  Saturday Sangamam at Sailam was held on 17th December  2022.This week our Vama Trust organized the “HealthCamp-Maruthuvam ” Medical checkup for our Saturday Sangamam elders.  The objective of conducting the health camp was to create awareness of general health among the people, provide general health care services and counseling them on basic healthcare and hygiene.  On our request, Mr. Sivakumar of Helpage India organized to send their Mobile Unit to our place for conducting the medical camp.  A team of four members viz. Dr. Sheik Mohammad, Mr. Ayyappan, Pharmacist and Driver cum attender has consulted, examined and supported basic medicines to the elders.  All elders shared there health  problem got the suggestion fro. DoctorAnother  side SMT.Lakshmi of Tirunelveli, an AOL teacher was present and told so.e moral story which us very relevant to our day today life What is very important for our life was very explained well by Mrs lakshmi Some basi physical exercise was practiced . Nearly  125 elderly people benefited through medical camps (V.K Puram,Mannarkovil,Sivasailam,Kalyanipuram,Vagaikulam).  Post completion of the check-up, the Doctor advised them on basic medicine and consultation and how to take care of themselves.  He gave tips on types of food and exercises to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Vama Trustee thanked the Helpage Team .The elders  are happy and thanked Vama Trust for arranging this medical camp and also the Helpage India team. Post camp and lunch session, elders gathered again and started sharing their knowledge and wisdom on the lifestyle.  One of the themes for a healthy life is to always be happy.   Many of them participated actively  some songs and some danced.  It was informed that next week would be 23 rd Week of Saturday Sangamam and we would celebrate more.  It was also discussed the events for next week Visit to Ettueluthu perumal kovil ,Tirunelveli. The event ended with thanks giving to each and every one.

சைலத்தில் 22வது சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம் 17 டிசம்பர் 2022 அன்று நடைபெற்றது. இந்த வாரம் நமது வாமா அறக்கட்டளை நமது சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம் நிகழ்ச்சியை மருத்துவ வரமாக அறிவித்து மருத்துவ முகாம் நடந்த  ஏற்பாடு செய்திருந்தது. பொது சுகாதாரம் குறித்த விழிப்புணர்வை மக்களிடையே ஏற்படுத்துவதும், பொது சுகாதார சேவைகளை வழங்குவதும், அடிப்படை சுகாதாரம் குறித்து அவர்களுக்கு ஆலோசனை வழங்குவது  இந்த சுகாதார முகாமை நடத்துவதன் நோக்கமாகும்.எங்கள் வேண்டுகோளின் பேரில், ஹெல்பேஜ் இந்தியாவைச் சேர்ந்த திரு.சிவகுமார் அவர்களின் மொபைல் யூனிட் மருத்துவ முகாமை நடத்துவதற்காக எங்கள் இடத்திற்கு அனுப்ப ஏற்பாடு செய்தார். நான்கு பேர் கொண்ட குழு. டாக்டர் ஷேக் முகமது, திரு. அய்யப்பன், மருந்தாளுனர் மற்றும் ஓட்டுநர்  ஆகியோர் வந்திருந்தனர்.இவர்கள் முதியவர்களை பரிசோதனை செய்து அவர்களுக்கு தேவையான மாத்திரை ‘மருந்து’டானிக் ஆகியவற்றை  எல்லா முதியவர்களும் கொடுத்தனர் உடல்நலப் பிரச்சினையைப் பகிர்ந்து கொண்டனர். ஒருபக்கம் மருத்துவ முகாம் இன்னொரு பக்கம் திருநெல்வேலியைச் சேர்ந்த எஸ்.எம்.டி.லட்சுமி, ஏஓஎல் ஆசிரியை ஒருவர் கலந்து கொண்டு, இன்றைய வாழ்க்கைக்கு மிகவும் பொருத்தமான தார்மீகக் கதையைச் சொன்னார்.நம் வாழ்க்கைக்கு மிகவும் முக்கியமானது என்ன என்பதை திருமதி லட்சுமி நன்றாக விளக்கினார் சில அடிப்படை உடல் பயிற்சிகளை   மாலை பயிற்சி கொடுத்தார் கிட்டத்தட்ட 125 முதியோர்கள் மருத்துவ முகாம் (வி.கே.புரம், மன்னார்கோவில், சிவசைலம், கல்யாணிபுரம், வாகைக்குளம்) மூலம் பயனடைந்தனர். பரிசோதனை முடிந்ததும், மருத்துவர் அவர்களுக்கு அடிப்படை மருத்துவம் மற்றும் ஆலோசனை மற்றும் தங்களை எவ்வாறு கவனித்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று அறிவுறுத்தினார். ஆரோக்கியமான வாழ்க்கை முறையைப் பேணுவதற்கான உணவு வகைகள் மற்றும் உடற்பயிற்சிகள் குறித்த குறிப்புகளை அவர் வழங்கினார். வாமா அறங்காவலர் ஹெல்பேஜ் குழுவிற்கு நன்றி கூறினார் .முதியோர்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியடைந்து இந்த மருத்துவ முகாமை ஏற்பாடு செய்ததற்காக வாமா டிரஸ்ட் மற்றும் ஹெல்பேஜ் இந்தியா குழுவிற்கு நன்றி தெரிவித்தனர

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 21

21st  week of Sailathil Saturday Sangamam went well today  10/12/23. Yesterday due to cyclone it was storm and hurricane wind ,that storm called MANDAS,we expected today also will be a raining. As usual we checked  with  both  coordinators at Mannarkoil and V K Puram and got a response that if vehicle is available they will happily comesome new people also showing interest to come our place .God grace today morning no rain no storm,w eather looks very nice and supported to our routine schedule. We started our program with prayer for Soundarya Ganapathy,Ms.Lashmi started the session on YOGA with the health drinks,she mentioned  Whatever happens in our life, we should handle it patiently and calmly, it will give a good solution for all problems. Today we celebrated MR.Lakshmana and Mrs. Pushpavvali’s 46th wedding anniversary with our VAMA family members ,all people wished and conveyed their wishes to sweet couble.Mr.Lashmanan thanked to all and told that he got the aga and muga valthukkal from 120 people who are gathering here ,now a days all are sending their wishes through wats app and voice message ,but here he got the real wishes from all . he sponsored today lunch .when he was speaking he mentioned the importance and value of our fingers ,each one fingers has value for exable our mothira virall shows the value of people ,our alkatti viral . Mr.Sankara raman tols Mr.Lasmnan’s service for society ,Tamil Elakkiya peravai and some more village back ground program ,he told some small stories with fun ,axe and angel with the new concept . As usual prepared a very good lunch by our happy kitchen team  ,veg biryani ,curd rice with kuruma and Kesari ,really it was very tasty,all elders enjoyed with lunch After lunch our team were divided into separate group and started to discuss with each other, they wanted to understand everyone who are all coming to our place. During the group discussion, sukku thanni serviced to all,it was very tasty and healthy for this climate .all elders returned to their homes with some new friends arimugathudan. today totally 115 candidates participated and enjoyed .

சைலத்தில் சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம் 21வது வாரம் இன்று 10/12/23 சிறப்பாக நடந்தது. நேற்று சூறாவளி காரணமாக புயல்  காற்று வீசியது, அந்த  மாண்டாஸ் புயலால் இன்றும் மழை பெய்யும் என்று நாங்கள் எதிர்பார்த்தோம். வழக்கம் போல் மன்னார்கோவில் மற்றும் வி .கே .புரம் ஆகிய இரு ஊர்களிலுளள் ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர்களிடமும்  மழை பெய்வதால் அனைவரும்   வருவர்கள     என கேட்டோம். அதற்கு  அவர்கள் வேனை அனுப்புங்கள் வருவார்கள் என கூறினார்கள்  .இன்று காலை கடவுள் அருளால், மழை இல்லை புயல் இல்லை, பூமி மிகவும் அழகாக இருக்கிறது. எங்கள் வழக்கமான அட்டவணையை ஆதரிக்கிறது. சௌந்தர்ய கணபதியின் பிரார்த்தனையுடன் எங்கள் நிகழ்ச்சியைத் தொடங்கினோம், காலை அனைவருமக்கும் தேநீர் வழங்கப்பட்டது.பின்னார் திருமதி லஷ்மி   யோகா பற்றிய அமர்வைத் தொடங்கினார்.நம் வாழ்க்கையில் என்ன நடந்தாலும், அதை பொறுமையாகவும் அமைதியாகவும் கையாள வேண்டும், அது எல்லா பிரச்சினைகளுக்கும் நல்ல தீர்வைத் தரும் என கூறினார்.இன்று எம்.ஆர்.லக்ஷ்மணா மற்றும் திருமதி புஷ்பவள்ளி ஆகியோரின் 46வது திருமண நாளை எங்கள் வாமா குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்களுடன் கொண்டாடினோம்.அனைவரும் அன்பான தம்பதியருக்கு வாழ்த்துக்களை தெரிவித்தனர்.இப்போது அனைவரும் வாட்ஸ் ஆப் மற்றும் குரல் செய்தி மூலம் தங்கள் விருப்பங்களை அனுப்புகிறார்கள், ஆனால் இங்கே அவர் அனைவரிடமிருந்தும் உண்மையான வாழ்த்துக்கள் பெற்றார். இன்று மதிய உணவை அவர் ஸ்பான்சர் செய்தார் .அவர் பேசும் போது நம் விரல்களின் முக்கியத்துவத்தையும் மதிப்பையும் குறிப்பிட்டார் ,ஒவ்வொரு விரலுக்கும் மதிப்பு உள்ளது நமது மோதிரா  விரல் மக்களின் மதிப்பை காட்டுகிறது ,திரு.சங்கரர  நாராயணன் அவர்கள்திரு. லட்சுமணன் சமூக சேவை, தமிழ் இலக்கியப் பேரவைக்கு ஆற்றும் பணி  மற்றும் இன்னும் சில கிராமப்புற பின்னணி நிகழ்ச்சிகளை எடுத்துரைக்கிறார், அவர் வேடிக்கையான, கோடாரி மற்றும் தேவதை  பற்றிய  சிறிய கதைகளை புதிய கருத்துடன் கூறினார். எங்கள்  சமையல் குழுவினர் குருமாவுடன்  கூடிய  வெஜ் பிரியாணி ஊறுகாய் கூடிய  தயிர் சாதம்  மற்றும் கேசரி போன்ற வைகளை மதியம் சாப்பிட்டு மகிழ்ந்தனர். மதிய உணவுக்குப் பிறகு எங்கள் குழு தனித்தனி குழுவாகப் பிரிக்கப்பட்டு ஒருவருக்கொருவர் விவாதிக்கத் தொடங்கினர், எங்கள் வாமா அறக்கட்டளைக்கு வரும் அனைவ அவர்கள் புரிந்து கொள்ள விரும்பினர். ஒருவர் மற்றவரை பற்றி தெரிந்து கொண்டனர். குழு விவாதத்தின் போது, சுக்கு தண்ணீர் அனைவருக்கும் வழங்கப்பட்டது , இந்த காலநிலைக்கு இது மிகவும் சுவையாகவும் ஆரோக்கியமாகவும் இருந்தது இன்று மொத்தம் 115 பேர் கலந்து கொண்டு மகிழ்ந்தனர்

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 20

20th week of Sailathil Saturday Sangamam went well last Saturday 3/12/23. It was raining on Friday and expected to continue on Saturday.  We were checking with coordinators at Mannarkoil and V K Puram and got a response that if vehicle is available they will happily come. Many of our team also told that there is no miss of this event as we have continued it for 19 weeks. With god’s grace almost every one could join as usual. It was raining intermittently but the shed helped us to continue the activities. Interestingly as to revitalise their intellectual attainments, a hilarious debate show, Pattimandram on the topic of “ whether we are happy now our earlier in the past”. Pyinthamil vithagar Sh Veerai Muthiah was the judge of the Mandram. He mentioned that he was trying to come for the past four weeks and today got this opportunity. His talk throughout the event is something not be missed and everyone enjoyed his comic comments and enjoyed joyfully.  Sh Arumugam, Sh Rengasamy, Sh Lakshmanan and Sh Thirulmalai Murugan debated that the happiness was more in the past and narrated their childhood experiences and the difficulties faced by the younger generations today.  Smt Lakshmi, Smt Amutha Smt Janaki sundari and Smt Sakthi shared their views on the traditional past and the changed present. They opposed the views of those from earlier years and talked more on the freedom and liberty being enjoyed by ladies today.  Several ideas and views were expressed and judge appreciated the spontaneous contribution of Sakthi and Janaki. While it was planned for 2 hours from 11 am it could end only at 2 pm. Very good lunch was prepared by the team owning the Happy Kitchen amidst the raining where the cooking took place.  Pulikuzhambu, Vazhai poo poriyal, Porikadalai Thuvaiyal and more have a lot of satisfaction to the elders present.  Similar to shed to have this event comfortably, everyone wished to have happy kitchen building sooon and prayed for the same. Many appreciated the efforts of Vama Trustees and also the interest shown in participation by the elders.  Amutha Amma and her team from V K Puram organised and celebrated 29th marriage anniversary of Kumar sir and 44th Anniversary of Sh Lakshman of V K Puram and blessed the couples. It was another memorable event to celebrate such event with elders. Meenachiammal Patti from V K Puram regretfully shared the sudden demise on last Monday 28/12/22 of Smt Muppidathi who has been one of the participants of Saturday event for more than 14 weeks. She added that Smt Muppidathi does not have anyone and was very happy on all Saturdays when she had been in Sailam. The Diwali dresses from Vama was the last cloth accompanied her during the funeral.  All elders stood for two minutes and prayed the almighty to rest the departed soul in peace.   With a heavy heart the meeting came to an end.

வாமா அறக்கட்டளையின் “சைலத்தில்”கடந்த 03/12/22 அன்று சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம் நிகழ்ச்சியின் 20 வது வாரம் சிறப்பாக நடைபெற்றது.கடந்த 2/12/2022 வெள்ளிக்கிழமை கனமழை பெய்த காரணத்தால் மறுநாள் சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம் நடத்த இயலாதோ என நினைத்து எங்களது மன்னார்கோவில் மற்றும் விக்கிரமசிங்கபுரம் ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர்களிடம் கேட்டபோது அவர்கள் சந்தோசமாக வேனை அனுப்புங்கள் நாங்கள் வந்துவிடுவோம் என்று ஆர்வமாக கூறுகினார்கள்.எங்களது பணியாளர்களும் நாம் 19 வாரங்களாக தொடர்ச்சியாக நடத்திய நிகழ்ச்சியை விட்டுவிடாமல் நடத்த வேண்டும் என்று கூறினார்கள்.கடவுளின் அருளால் வழக்கமாக வரும் அனைவரும் எப்போதும் போல் நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு வந்து விட்டார்கள்.நிகழ்ச்சியில் இடையிடையே மழை பெய்த போதும் நம்முடைய தகரக்கொட்டகை நிகழ்ச்சியை தொடர்ச்சியாக நடத் த உதவியது.மூத்தவர்களின் அறிவுசார் நினைவுகளை மெருகூட்டும் விதமாக வேடிக்கையாகவும், அறிவுசார் நிகழ்ச்சியாகவும் ஒரு பட்டிமன்றம் நடைபெற்றது.”மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருப்பவர்கள் அந்த காலத்து மக்களா? இன்றைய இளைய தலைமுறையினரா? என்ற தலைப்பில் பட்டிமன்றம் நடைபெற்றது. பைந்தமிழ் வித்தகர் திரு.வீரை முத்தையா அவர்கள் நடுவராக இருந்து சிறப்பித்தார்.நடுவர் அவர்கள் கடந்த நான்கு வாரங்களாக வர முயற்சித்து இந்த வாரம் தான் வருவதற்கு வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தாக கூறினார்கள். நிகழ்ச்சி முழுவதும் அவரது நகைச்சுவை நிறைந்த அறிவு சார்ந்த கருத்துக்களை அனைவரும் கேட்டு மகிழ்ந்தனர் .திரு ஆறுமுகம் ,திரு ரங்கசாமி திரு எஸ் லட்சுமணன் மற்றும் திருமலை முருகன் ஆகியோர் கடந்த காலத்தில் மகிழ்ச்சி அதிகமாக இருந்ததாகவும் தங்கள் குழந்தைபருவ அனுபவங்களையும் இன்றைய இளைய தலைமுறையினர் சந்திக்கும் சிரமங்களையும் எடுத்துரைத்தனர் திருமதி லட்சுமி, திருமதி அமுதா,திருமதி ஜானகி சுந்தரி .மற்றும் திருமதி சக்தி ஆகியோர் பாரம்பரிய கடந்தகாலம் மாறிவிட்ட நிகழ்காலம் குறித்து தங்களது கருத்துக்களை பதிவிட்டனர். கடந்த காலத்தைவிட இன்றைய இளைய தலைமுறை பெண்கள் சுதந்திரமாகவும் சுய சார்புடனும் விழிப்புணர்வு இருப்பதாக கூறினார்கள்.திருமதி சக்தி மற்றும் திருமதி ஜானகி அவர்களின் தன்னிச்சையான பங்களிப்பை பாராட்டினர் இரண்டு மணி நேரம் நடக்கும் என ஆரம்பித்த பட்டிமன்றம் பதினோரு மணிக்கு ஆரம்பித்து இரண்டு மணிக்குத்தான் நிறைவு பெற்றது.தங்களது குழுவினர் அவர்களாகவே சைலத்தில் ஆனந்த அடுக்களையில் சமைத்து புளிக்குழம்பு வாழைப்பூ பொறியல் பொறிகடலை துவையலுடன் மதிய உணவை உண்டு மகிழ்ந்தனர் விரைவில் நமது தளத்தில் ஆனந்த அடுக்களை  கட்டிடம் கட்ட இறைவனிடம் வேண்டினர்.வி.கே. புரத்திலிருந்து வந்த அமுதா அம்மா மற்றும் குழுவினர் குமார் சாரின்  29ஆவது கல்யாண நாளையும் விகேபுரம் லக்ஷ்மணன்  அவர்களின் 44 வது திருமண நாளையும் கேக் வெட்டி சிறப்பாக கொண்டாடி அவர்களுக்கு ஆசிர்வாதம் வழங்கினார்.விகேபுரம் மீனாட்சி அம்மாள் பாட்டி எங்களிடம் ஒரு வருத்தமான செய்தியைக் கூறினர் கடந்த 28 11 2022 திங்கட்கிழமை நம்மில் ஒருவராக சனிக்கிழமை நிகழ்ச்சியில் கலந்து கொண்டு வந்த திருமதி முப்புடாதி அவர்கள் திடீரென மாரடைப்பால் இறந்து விட்டனர் என்ற அதிர்ச்சியான செய்தியை கூறினார்கள்.மேலும் திருமதி முப்பிடாதி அவர்களுக்கு யாரும் இல்லை என்றும் அவர் சைவத்திற்கு வந்த 16 சனிக்கிழமைகளிலும் மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருந்ததாகவும் மீனாட்சி அம்மாள் பாட்டி தெரிவித்தார்கள் வாமா அறக்கட்டளை கொடுத்த தீபாவளி ஆடைகள் இறுதி சடங்கின் போது அவர்களுக்கு சென்ற கடைசி துணி  ஆகும்.பெரியவர்கள் அனைவரும் 2 நிமிடம் மௌன அஞ்சலி செலுத்தி அன்னாரின் ஆன்மா சாந்தியடைய இறைவனை வேண்டினார் கனத்த இதயத்துடன் கூட்டம் முடிவுக்கு வந்தது

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 19

Sailathil Saturday Sangamam – Arogya Sangamam was conducted on 26/11/22.  Being the 19th week, a lot of familiarity was there.  More than 95 elders were present. Focusing on the healthcare of elders, Smt Lakshmi of Tirunelveli, an AOL teacher was present and shared her experiences with Art of Living and how elders can be re-energised with certain breathing exercises.  Several breathing exercises were shared and ape talk on how to be happy in 60 Plus. Dr.S. Arumugam, Naturopathy and Yoga, who was the speaker of the program, explained about the various treatment modalities of Naturopathy and therapeutic benefits of Naturopathy and Yoga in relation to different medical conditions. Then he throws lights on the role of Naturopathy and Yoga in treating disabilities. Naturopathy and Yoga immune regulating tips, diet counselling and personalized diet charts were explained. Overall, the session was informative and the speaker clarified the doubts raised by the participants. Lunch was served around 2.00 pm All appreciated the efforts and the taste of the food. It was so tasty.  Again deliberated on establishing the Happy Kitchen through which the food can be extended to colleges where we propose to set up stalls/counters. Gathering ended with a hot Sukku thanni and rusk. Everyone left at their usual time.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 18

Sailathil Saturday Sangamam – 18th week went well at Sailam yesterday 19/11/22. Team has organised Maruthuva Muham for elders. Two doctors and a nurse have visited from Amar Seva Sangam Ayikudi.   More 74 elders present for benefited by knowing the precautionary activities the elders to take as they are aging and also checking their health through tests. Most of them are healthy and some are advised to do basic exercise. Some of the elders who require additional support are advised to consult more. Doctors also shared their views and thoughts on the fear normally elders have and what should be the way to remove such fears.  Everyone thanked Sh Sankarraman sir and his team who has considered our request at a shorter notice and cared the elders.  
As some one rightly said the proof of the pudding is in the eating, knowing about Vama Saturday Sangamam two very important people visited Sailam this week one is patriot Sh K Lakshmi Kanthan Bharathi–who likes to be identified as a freedom fighter and a Gandhian rather than the former Collector of Madurai district. and Smt Gomathi Thirunavakkuarasu a spiritual lecturer from V K Puram. The wrinkles on the face of this 97-year-old veteran have many a story to tell – the stories of sacrifice, love for the motherland, and finally, freedom.  Spoke lot about on the graceful aging. He appreciated Vama’s efforts to care elders.  Smt Gomathi madam delivered speech on Manickavasagar Perumaigal.   As usual dedicated team of elders served very good food – Sadam, Sambar, Rasam, Aval Payasam, Malli thivayal and more. Guests appreciated the food and people who made it. Post 3 pm once the doctors and Sh Lakshmi Kanthan sir left, elders present there started with their regular fun filled activities. Event came to an end with lot of gratitude to God to give this opportunity to be together.  We thank everyone for their efforts and kindness.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 17

Sailathil Saturday Sangamam – 17th Week – was celebrated on 12th November 2022. Activities are more of our theme of “Enable Elders to pursue their Passions”. Aim is to build a community platform which enables elders to share their capabilities and showcase their accomplishments.
Irrespective of weather man’s alert warnings of Rain/Heavy Rain, there was a good presence of elders to continue the program regularly without any miss.
This week, Mannarkoil team, many of whom involved in the Kitchen activities came first and took over the charge. It recalled the memory of the childhood of many present there about the gatherings of families in 80s. Mathini is the word splet by several members and very actively started the preparation of welcome drink – Sarada College Malt and cutting vegetables for lunch preparation. As was planned, the lunch was Vendakai, Chinna Vengayam, Chowchow & thakali Sambar, Rasam, Aviyal and Payasam. With two hours, lunch was prepared for 100 people which was ate by more than 120 people present over there.
Prayers at Sree Soundarya Ganapathy Temple was carried out with lot of gratitude for the blessing the people coming to Sailam for their “Mana Nimmathi “. Ven Pongal prasadam was served. Soundarya Ganapathy was in Raja Ganapathy get-up.
Testing the talent, Muruku preparation was planned and seven elders participation in the healthy competition. More than 180 Kai Muruku was prepared by the elders with lot of smile in their face. Sharing the murukku to others and getting their WOW response, there was big family experience. 
Another set of people like Lakshman Sir from Ambai, Arumugam Sir, Rangaswamy and others started sharing their likes from articles read by them. We called the program as “Padithathil Pidithathu” and encouraged more elders to participate in this session in the coming weeks. Mr. Sankaranarayan Sir who joined the program after two weeks due to his wife’s cataract operation, shared his experience of last 15 days wherein he got the opportunity to care his BEST HALF. He quoted the values of women in life of everyone. He added that we should not have comparisons with other which would result in lot of trouble. Also expectations should come down once we are aging.
Second Half of the day brought another dream of Vama to true. With the efforts of Sh. Arumugam, a Pattimandram was organized to debate on the Topic – Who sacrifices more – Mother-in Law or Daughter in Law (Vittu Koduppathu Mamiyara illai Marumagala). Sh. Lakshman Sir was the naduvar of the Pattimandram. Four speakers from each team debated on the topic. Finally, Naduvar mentioned that விட்டுக் கொடுப்பவர்கள் கெட்டுப்போவதில்லை and if two good people come in a single lane way, there are the lanes and if one good person and another challenging person come in the same single lane, there would be two ways and when both the persons are with challenging mentality, then there is no way. 2 hours planned was felt less for the deliberations. All enjoyed with the Ethartham: Reality.
It proved that the Saturday Sangamam is not an event but more to help to enhance the elders’ intellectual attainments through readers clubs, humour clubs, forums for debate and discussions.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 16

Sailathil Saturday Sangamam – 16th Week 5th November2022.
Rain or Shine, the show must be on. It is true for Saturday Sangamam at Sailam. It is heavy raining here sir, should we plan for tomorrow’s event the call from Rajalakshmi. She also added we must take care of elders as there is water logging in front of the building and the Passat is slippery. More than anything the plan for this week is to continue cutlery activities. Response, she got from Muthuvelu, was that we should continue without any miss for 100 weeks that is the promise we made. He was firm on that and added that we would send the vehicle as was done every week and plan the food based on the number of people coming.  For everyone’s surprise but for Vama team’s faith, more than expected number of around 70 elders gathered. Seeing this commitment, Varuna Bhagvan also deferred pouring at Sivasailam to the evening. 
More than the usual, elders started with prayers for those whose birthday including their family members, is celebrated during the week. Everyone blessed baby Aadiya, Pankaj, Priyanka and others. Post puja and prayers some of them planned for the lunch and finalised Urdu dal Rice )Ulundamparuppu Sadam, Curd rice, ellu thuvaiyal and Murungai ellai poriyal. Team started preparations and by 1 pm everything was ready. Meanwhile other people present started sharing various experiences. 
Lunch was served around 1.30 pm All appreciated the efforts and the taste of the food. It was so tasty.  Again deliberated on establishing the Happy Kitchen through which the food can be extended to colleges where we propose to set up stall/counters.  It was also proposed that elders will train college students on cookery.   If all goes well. 
Some of the elders mentioned that they were wondering whether the program is on or not but when they got information that van would be there at the usual time, immediately rushed to the pick up point. Vama team assured that unless it become inconvenient the program will happen without any change.  
Post lunch it was cloudy and started drizzling and raining, it was suggested to start by 3 pm. and driver kept vehicle ready.  But elders started discussing on what to be prepared next week and sharing their satisfaction on coming and participating in Saturday activities.  It was mentioned that if the Kitchen is set up, it could help more a lot. Today everything at open space and bit panic while preparing food. Vama team mentioned that we are waiting for the blessings from our donors. One elder from Kallidaikurichi shared the stories of Late Sh Madan Mohan Malaviya who struggled to get funds to establish Banarus Hindu University and the incidence with Tippu Sultan who throw his shoes for the donation sought. But Madanji took positively and turned that into money by auctioning Kings shoe. He suggested to have persistence and patience. Gathering ended with a hot Sukku thanni and rusk. Everyone left at their usual time. 

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 15

Sailathil Saturday Sangamam – 15th Week 29th October 2022.
This sangamam was an unique program as we started HAPPY KITCHEN activities.  A set of 10 members of elders prepared lunch – “KOTTANCHORU” for the participants.  All appreciated the efforts and the taste of the food.  Mr. Lakhmanan from Agathyarpatti mentioned that normally he does not like a single blended rice, but today, when he tasted Kottanchoru made by elders he was keen to have second round instead of sambar sadam available.  It was so tasty.  If it goes well, Happy Kitchen will be the ground for showing elders talents.  Once established, the food can be extended to colleges where we propose to set up stall/counters.  It was also proposed that elders will train college students on cookery.   If all goes well, the sustainability for caring the elders by Vama will be funded through this kitchen activities. 
There was a pleasant surprise of having presence of Shri Mallashappa, former Chief Conservator of Forest and Director, Dept. of Environment, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Prof. Dr. GS Vijayalakshmi, Former Professor of Environmental Science, MSU and Shri Elango, DD- Research, Forest Dept.  Madurai and Saraswathy Teacher from Kalyanipuram.  Thanks to Sh. Balamurgan who brought this pleasant moment for the elders.  All the dignitaries present appreciate the efforts of Vama Trust and shared their point of view on the aging with respect. Great moments for elders. 
As usual, students from Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam made the event more joyful with their cultural activities with elders and participating in all activities in the event.
81st birthday of Sh. Ramaya Thatha from V.K. Puram was celebrated.  He mentioned that last 3 months of his 81 years brought lot of value for his health and happiness. 

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 14

Deepawali Sangamam at Sailam was a remarkable event on  Saturday(22nd october). 90 elders of our Saturday group gathered from Mannarkoil, VK Puram, Ambasamudram and Kallidaikurichi. Morning session started with abhisegam and puja for Sree Soundarya Ganapathy. Students from SPKC gathered as volunteers cum beneficiaries of our Connecting Generation project. Students started as if they have come to their Patti Veedu and asked grand parents to share their Deepawali experiences in 1970-80s.   Really a memorable time, everyone astonishing with Malarum Neenaivugal shared their experiences. Many talked about the limited chance of having dresses, dosa, vada etc only during Deepawali and Pongal.  They did not have the luxurious parents to get what they want like the children are getting now from their parents. But we’re more happy with what ever they had. They had great friends and friendships, they had the chance to enjoy many things like, surprises – surprise visit of Mama or Chitti , surprise call from relatives outside, surprising paying visit to relatives many many. No idiot box but enjoyed movies at touring theatres.   Dresses were normally of the choice of parents and that gave a lot of sense of giving. MGR-fans and Sivaji Fan and Rajni and  Kamal fans recollected their memories of getting first ticket for first show and seeing a same movie for multiple times for a single song or dialogue or scenes.  Really a great time they had which children are missing today.  Post sharing sweet memories elders and students spent time on various program such as dances, singing songs playing musical chairs and group activities.  Lunch at 1.30 pm enjoyed by more than 150 people   It was drizzling and everyone was so enjoying naturally. After lunch Deepawali celebration started and around 246 elders were gifted with dresses, sweets and mukkutu ennai. Elders many of them are above 70 years and not having much means for their daily survival. Got the Deepawali dresses as pleasant gifts. They blessed the donors for the kind hearted people.  Sh Sankarnarayanan sir who came only after lunch as his wife underwent cataract surgery. He always be with his wife and never attended any event without her. His wife forcefully sent him to join the event as he was repeatedly mentioning at home that today is Saturday and many of his regular fellow members might have come etc.  While thanking everyone for the participation, he mentioned that he could realise the sayingஏழையின் சிரிப்பில் இறைவனை காணலாம்.   He also added that ஏழைகளுக்கு நம்மால் ஆன உதவியை தகுந்த நேரத்தில் சரியான நபருக்கு நாம் செய்யும்போது அவர்கள் உள்ளம் மகிழ்ந்து தங்களது நன்றியை தெரிவிக்கும் நிலையில் நாம் உணர்வது தான் ஏழையின் சிரிப்பில் இறைவனை காணலாம்.  Every one was gifted with some sweet boxes and many with dresses. God graced this event with giving Deepawali fits more than 416 elders. This year also identified and gifted Deepawali dresses for 9 students from Mannarkoil who lost their parents and not yet got any source for buying Deepak dress. Children got fire crackers and kaju burfi. The event ended with greetings and gratitudes to each other. We sincerely thank from bottom of our heart to every one who made this to happen. 

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 13

Sailathil Saturday Sangamam – Arogya Sangamam was conducted on 14/10/22.  Being the 13th week, a lot of familiarity was there.  More than 84 elders and 18 volunteers were present. Focusing on the healthcare of elders, Smt Lakshmi of Tirunelveli, an AOL teacher was present and shared her experiences with Art Of Living and how elders can be re-energised with certain breathing exercises.  Several breathing exercises were shared and apep talk on how to be happy in 60 Plus.  Laughing therapy was started by Sh GK and a lot of jokes were shared by elders.  Lunch with Keerai Kuzhambu, Mizhagu Rasam, White Pumpkin kootu in addition to regular poriyal, payasam, etc organised by Vama Team and  added our Patti Vaidyam concepts.  Thanks to God for such an opportunity to serve mankind. Post lunch the discussion was on how to take our services and activities in Sailam to the next level. Anita Amma and others immediately shared several ideas and immediately also planned for Happy Kitchen activities from next week. Ten members team if formed by themselves to start preparing lunch on their own at Sailam to showcase their cooking skills. Then planning for next week’s program – 14th Week- Ageing with Dignity-  Deepawali Kondattam at Sailam. Elders were participative and keen to prepare sweets and savouries.  As we are not fully equipped with the number of elders to be served and currently only 300 numbers are only planned, it was agreed to wait till Monday to decide on whether to buy or make sweets. Incidentally, when we were at Amar Seva Sangam last week, Smt Pushpa madam inclined to place an order of 300 boxes of sweets for their children and inmates at Sangam. Elders prayed for the strength of our donors to support these good causes. Elders also thanked and greeted those who ( Sh Athinarayanan, Sh Srinivasan Mumbai, Mrs Mythili madam, Sh N Srinivasan sir, Sh Venkadesh Covai, Sh Ganapathy sir Chidambaram, Sh Senthil sir Dubai)have contributed for supporting 300 elders with their kindness.  Hearing the discussion, Smt Lakshmi AOL trainer who was present there immediately wired Rs 5000/- One of the beneficiaries mentioned that we strongly believe in God and God will definitely support this good cause through many of you.   Everyone of us are keenly awaiting for next week’s Sangamam on 22/10/22 to celebrate Deepawali. We expect a gathering of 300 elders and more than 100 volunteers from colleges. We sincerely request and are keen to welcome all of you to join the event.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 12

Vama’s Sailathil Saturday Sangamam – 12th Week – 8/10/22. – Pursue your Passion. As was planned, this week Sangamam was an outdoor event. Arranged for a travel to Sri Ullagamman Sametha Sri Kasi Viswanathar Temple at Tenkasi and from their we went to Amar Seva Sangam at Ayikudi and their Amar Abdulkalam Rehab Centre for disabled.  Around 68 elders joined and three vans are organised for their travel. Visit to Temple gave spiritual satisfaction to the elders.  They spent good amount of time at the temple and sung several devotional songs. Many mentioned that it was an amazing experience to be there both at Rehab fruit garden and also at the VTC and computer lab at Amar Seva Sangam. Many of them moved emotionally on seeing and interacting with children and youths there. Lunch and evening tea with snacks were served by Smt Pushpa Madam.  Pushpa madam shared what made her to venture into the Rehab centre and how it has emerged now. Around 4.00 pm for half an hour elders could spent time with Sh Sankarraman, Secretary of Amar Seva.  A great day for elders and many showered their blessings to Smt and Sh Sankarraman and all at Sangam.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 11

This week is very eventful and Vama Trust got several opportunities to enhance our services.
The trust organised sessions in colleges for a substance free, whether it is habitual or occasional in the student community.  There was overwhelming support from the colleges.  More than 200 students from each college – Sri Paramakalyani College, Alwarkurichi and Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam participated.  They had an amazing experience and take away was very good.  Colleges requested to have this program in a sustainable way and at least on a monthly basis.
Our 11th Saturday Sangamam was arranged yesterday.  Day by day, the no.of beneficiaries are increasing and a lot of deserving elders are finding different experiences and eventful moments in their life.    Selvi Srirangam, Secretary of Avvai Ashram joined the event and greeted everyone for their participation.  Elders, Sh. Muthaiya from Gomathi Nagar, Suthamalli and Sh. Shankaranaryanan of Alwarkurichi, Sh. G Krishnamurthy enhanced the quality of the gathering by sharing several inputs of their life events and encouraged the participants to use the facility for the purpose of it is made.   The elders in their earlier session suggested to make the SAILAM more green and avoid plastic inside the campus.  Elders planted several fruit trees in the campus.  Children from colleges and Mannarkoil (our Digital Facilitation Centre) were there to celebrate  the concept of Connecting Generation socially and emotionally.  Children requested the elders to value Gandhi’s principle of Non-violence.  Even at home with family members also we can avoid small small clashes and be a Vama’s participant (VAMI (ladies) / Vaman (Gents).
Celebrating the Navaratri, elders shared their experience and many sung Devi Padalgal and make the session very eventful and meaningful.  They prayed for the good health and happiness of all donors and well-wishers.  
Fortunately, we could put the shed for conducting the event and this week’s event was conducted at the new place making the participants more happy.  Everyone prayed that Sri Sailappar and Sh. Kalayani Amman to give strength to our donors and families for the support being given for their care.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 10

10th week of Sailathil Saturday Sangamam as scheduled happened last Saturday 24th September 2022. Focus of this week was on Pursuing Passion. Strength of elders increased to 92 and there was a gathering of more than 110 people. Good lunch was organised. Discussions on how to plan and perform Deepawali Celebrations with those elders who are financially and socially isolated. Several ideas were shared. A small prayer was performed to Sree Soundarya Ganapathy to give strength to our donors to support. Mr Gnana Jeyamani and his wife from V K Puram are the special guest. With his expertise of soft skills, Mr Jayamani engaged with elders on Team work, how to be a tree and plant with relations instead of a nail and hammer or cat and dog  behaviour. He also requested to appreciate small small things at this age. It is critical to lead the life above 55 years with certain skills of giving and supporting. He touched on the PEACE in life. He taught the team how a moving circle can be changed to moving into 8 shape. Mr Sadasivam from V K Puram a retired teacher shared his loneliness during these 20 years of life after his wife’s death. He is a good drawing master. His drawing on the woman’s education – the image of a woman holding school bag in a hand and her daughter on the hand walks towards school impressed all. Mr Arumugam a retired DIstrict Officer engaged with elders through some tricks such as no cut on the external part of a banana but inner parts of the fruit was in four pieces. Also he played head or tail game. Many sung good songs and several danced. The event needed with a thanks giving and feed back session.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 09

9th Session of the Saturday Sangamam at Sailam was held on 17th September 2022.
This week our Vama Trust organized the “HealthCamp-Maruthuvam ” Medical checkup for our Saturday Sangamam elders.  The objective of conducting the health camp was to create awareness of general health among the people, provide general health care services and counseling them on basic healthcare and hygiene.  
On our request, Mr. Sivakumar of Helpage India organized to send their Mobile Unit to our place for conducting the medical camp.  A team of four members viz. Dr. Sheik Mohammad, Mr. Elisa Chandra Doss, Coordinator, Mr. Ayyappan, Pharmacist and Driver cum attender has consulted, examined and supported with basic medicines to the elders.  Amazing team very politely heard the problems of elders and clarified all their queries. 
Basic check ups such as weight, height, Blood pressure, etc were made. 
Nearly 75 eldery people benefited through medical camp (V.K Puram,Mannarkovil,Sivasailam,Kalyanipuram,Vagaikulam).  Post completion of the check up, the Doctor advised them various on basic medicine and consultation and how to take care themselves.  He gave tips on type of food and exercises to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Mr. Sundaram, Chairman of Vama Trustee thanked Helpage Team and presented a momenta to keep the memorable event in their minds. The villagers are happy and thanked Vama Trust for arranging this medical camp and also Helpage India team.  It was also observed that the motto of Helpage India is also similar to Vama Trust i.e. removing isolation of elders.  
Post camp and lunch session, elders gathered again and started sharing their knowledge and wisdom on the lifestyle.  One of the themes kept for a healthy life to be happy always.  It was suggested to shares jokes to make elders happy at that point in time.  Many of them participated actively and some of them shared puzzles and some songs and some danced.  It was informed that next week would be 10th Week of Saturday Sangamam and we would celebrate more.  It was also discussed the events for next four weeks till 22/10/22 – 24/8/22 – 10th Week celebration and Thiramaikku Our Saval – Food preparation and Tips; 1/10/22 – Substance Free Living Campaign;  8/10/22 – Visit to Tenkasi Temple and Amar Seva Sangam; 15/10/22 – Health Camp and 22/10/22 – Deepawali Celebration.  It was also discussed on the plan to bring Art of Living Team for three days three hours program.
It was also discussed on the volunteer support for counselling, mentoring, and training students of 9th grade to 12th grade to enable to get high score in their examinations.  Many have shown interest and we need to plan for the same.
The event ended with thanks giving to each and every one.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 08

Sailathil Saturday Sangamam – Eighth week 10/9/22 was an excellent event. This week’s event started on Friday 9/9/22 as a special request from a donor and well wishes from Mumbai. Incidentally it also gave an opportunity to have Sh V Shivkumar Anna Managing Trustee of Gandhigram Trust at our Sailam. He appreciated the efforts taken by the Vama Team and was glad about the phenomenal development at Sailam in a short duration.  He heard the experience of elders about Saturday events. He blessed Vama trust and all there for a happy and healthy life. As usual the event started with prayer to Sree Soundarya Ganapathy.  We also had Sh Srinath from Chennai and Smt Meena Kumari from Tuticorin. Both of them are Physiotherapist and Special Educator and are done a lot to the society particularly for Children with special needs. First half of the event was celebrated with Meena madam and Srinath. Five students from Papanasam Thiruvalluvar college Rohini,    Muthulakshmi Anushya Sudha. Elders participated actively in the games and activities conducted by these guests. Mr Srinivasan from Mumbai joined around 12.10 noon along with his father in law and brother in law- Shankar. This time lunch was sponsored by Sh Kumar and Smt Sudha in the memory of Lat SmtSeethalakshmi from Ambasamudram. We also requested the presence of trainers from Art of Living from Kanyakumari. Ms Rohini and Mr Selvaraj came and engaged with elders with the topic of Happiness and mindfulness. They enabled elders to know and do basic pranayama and relax through meditation.  Another importance of the event was celebrating 52 marriage anniversaries of Sh G Krishnamoorthy (GK). Sh GK came along with her Wife Madam Radha, the Madurai lady (proudly mentioned that it has been Meenakshi Rajya than) shared some of events during these 52 years. Cake Cutting by MRs and Mr GK made the memories sweeter. On the request of Sh Shivkumar sir we requested elders to visit Avvai Ashram and participate in their 68th Annual Day. On Saturday 10/9/22, our elders visited avvai ashram and joined in a program of Meeting of Spinners and Weavers. Many of the members present in the meeting were around and above 55 years. Vama elders could easily mingle with them. Mr Srinath talked about Gracefully Ageing which covered how to take care of oneself while aging. Ageing is an incidence and it was childhood, youth and age at 50s and now 60s.  Mr Silver Ramasamy present from V K Puram as part of Weaver’s family comically spoke on various family issues and solutions.Also requested all ladies to look back on our traditional values such touching the feet of husband regularly to make him to own. The event needed around 2.30 pm with a grand lunch at Avvai Ashram. We thank Sh Shivkumar Anna, Sh Balamurugan, Srirangam Amma, Saravanan Sir and all at Avvai Ashram for the courtesy extended to elders at Avvai Ashram.  One another Excellent session with elders. Thanks to god for his mercy on us. 

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 07

On 3rd September we organized the 7th weekly Saturday Sangamam gathering for elders.  More than 70 elders and 5 volunteers (students from Sri Paramakalyani College participated this week. Members of VAMA Trust and elders celebrated the annual birth celebration of Lord Ganesha (Vinay agar Chaturthi) with great devotion and fidelity. They enchanted bhajans in the chorus for Lord Ganesh. This celebration brought devotion, recreation, entertainment and fun all together.

Our Staff divided the Seniors into three groups. Each group and each member shared their experience of their life.  Homemade Medical Tips were shared among the members  and Mind relaxation Games were conducted which the elderly people felt very useful and also hospitality were arranged for elders.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 06

On 27th August 2022 we organised the 6th event of Saturday Sangamam for elders. This week more than 65 elders. Vama Charitable trust 6th Saturday Sangamam Program on 27th August 2022 we had organized the devotional trip for old people. we are   Visited to Thirumalai Kovil above 70 old age people are participated from Mannarkovil, V. K. Puram, Kalyanipuram. The people are enjoying themselves .

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 05

On 20th August, we organized the 5th weekly Saturday Sangamam gathering for elders.  More than 70 elders and 9 volunteers (students from Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam) participated this week. Members of VAMA Trust and elders celebrated the annual birth celebration of Lord Krishna with great devotion and fidelity.

         The old men and women then went up to the stage to narrate stories about Krishna’s life. They enchanted bhajans in the chorus for Lord Krishna. This celebration brought devotion, recreation, entertainment and fun all together.

        A lot of events were held for elders. “Uriyadi” competition was the main highlight of this event. Many other events such as “Kollatam Dancing” were also held. Many prizes were felicitated to the bright minds. This celebration was a great success as it filled everyone’s hearts with joy, happiness and contentment. The program was brought to an end by a grand feast.

Independence Day

On 14/08/2022, 75th Independence Day was celebrated at VAMA Digital Facilitation Center in Mannarkovil. The event was presided over by Mr Manikandan  Mannarkovil. Mr. Kalyanaraman USA attended as a special guest and gave a special speech for the children. Essay competition, painting competition and speech competition were conducted for the students studying in Vama’s Digital Facilitation Center and prizes were distributed to the winners by the guest.
VAMA trust  Chairman Mr Sundaram and  Mrs Pushpa Manikandan, Mannarkovil and parents of the children were present.  The arrangements for the programs were well done by the Vama trust staff.  The function ended with the national anthem.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 04

Senior Citizen Centre – Sailam. )0n 13th August, we organized the 4th week  of Saturday Sangamam for elders. This week more than  65 elders participated .The event started with regular prayers and some updates on  75th  Independence day. Then we requested them to feel on their own and use the event for their convenience. Our Staff divided the seniors into three  groups and named them 1)Dandiya Thira 2)  Velaiyanea Veliyeru  3) Jallianwala Bagh. The 3 groups  of people  showed  their acting talent .They were  acting  based on this topic and unbelievable acting for our elders. They displayed how our freedom fighters fought for independence in India and   made the program more meaningful. At 1.00 pm lunch was served. Post lunch,
Pattuku pattu -Antakshari was conducted by Mr.G Krishnamoorthy sir and team.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 03

Senior Citizen Centre – on 6th August  we organized the 3rd  week of  Saturday Sangamam for elders. This week more than 60 elders and 14 volunteers (students from Sri Paramakalyani College and Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam ). The event started with regular prayers and some updates on what’s happening around including Chennai Chess ♟Olympiad etc.  in this week the highlight of the discussion on  Connecting Generation   with the elders and the youngsters ,elders   shared their experience for the Volunteers.  The seniors were divided  into four groups and named  The small group of teams could interact more and the volunteers made the program more meaningful. At 1.00 pm lunch was served. Post lunch, 
 Paatukku Paatu – Antakshari was performed by Sh G Krishnamoorthy and team. 

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 02

Senior Citizen Centre – Sailam.    On 30.07.2022  we organised for 2nd event of Saturday Sangamam for elders. This week more than 65 elders and 14 volunteers (students from Sri Paramakalyani College and Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam ). The event started with regular prayers and some updates on what’s happening around including Chennai Chess ♟Olympiad etc. Then we requested them to feel of their own and use the event for their convenience.  Volunteers divided the seniors into four groups and named as Pattiyum Petthikalum 2) Lotus 3) Patti with beauties and 4) Navagraha and three devis.  The small group of team could interact more and the volunteers made the program more meaningful. At 1.00 pm lunch was served. Post lunch, 

Digital Facilitation Centre

VAMA brought an academic program. Program “Resilience” in the month of April 2021.

The program “Resilience” was conducted during April 2021 to November 2021 at 10 villages and around 210 students and 12 teachers benefited through this program.

Program “Resilience” helped students to continue to maintain and improve their academic skills and helped in removing the stress of unemployed or underemployed teachers through engagement in Community School program.  It involved community for bringing togetherness for the development of education and drive for children’s future goals.

Education’s age-old three Rs – Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic – are being joined by a fourth: Rethink. Hence this proposal for project “Rethink – Composite School”.

On 13.06.2022 inauguration of Vama charitable trust,” Composite School- Digital Facilitation centre at mannarkoil was commenced with a Pooja. Vama trust will set up Digital Facilitation Centre in Villages with fixed Number of devices for enabling rural children to learn digitally.  

60/120 minutes training through edutech partners to compliment the class room learning.

Focus will be more on practice as it is more important in the case of Maths and English while social science, History etc. can be learnt with the support of videos.

In these Digital Facilitation Centre, Vama’s focused team would support for: –

1. Syllabus completion
2. Regular assessments
3. Assignments
4. Doubt clearing sessions
5. Regular contact with parents to motivate them to coach their children
6. Taking constant feedback
7. Conducting of psychometric tests
8. Counselling sessions
9. One to one coaching to upkeep of mental health of students.

Teachers to ensure students feel inspired, safe, valued, able to learn in a way, previously not possible.

New learning tools will be able to adjust to the needs of individual students without instructions/ without intervention (learning apps).

It will create a technology-friendly learning environment with e-boards, smart class rooms, digital teaching equipment such as AV screen, projectors etc.

Mr. Kalyana Raman sir a native of mannarkovil donor of Vama Charitable trust has given to Permission to conduct Social Service of Uplifting the  Government School Students education system by conducting Spoken English class,Maths tution and basic computer knowledge for which they  cannot afford nor is it available nearby.This Centre has been the residency of Mr. Rengan sir a Native of Mannarkovil.

Later Google Meeting was conducted with Mr. Kalyanaraman sir has given to permission to conduct who were online and also were present our Vama trustees Mr. Sundaram, Mr.Mayillappan ,Mr. Sailam Subramanian, Mr.Arunmugam. 

Our trustee Mr. Sundaram interacted with students and gave a valuable and inspiring lecture on the importance of Education and current Technology. Government School Students of 9thand 10th std who were also present to wish Mr. Kalyanaraman his birthday wishes, Coincidently on the same day of our inauguration.

Lastly Chocolates and Sweets were distributed to all.

Saturday Milan (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) - 01

We are glad to share that Vama’s Senior Citizen Centre’s first engagement program – Saturday Milan (Sangamam) @ Sailam was successfully ️ started yesterday 23/7/22. Around 60 elders – 17 male and 43 ladies participated. We had made arrangements to pick up from V K Puram, Mannarkoil, Ambasamudram and Alwarkurichi. All reached Sivasailam around 10.10 AM. First they wanted to go to Sailappar temple. We arranged to take them to The temple. All resumed at Sailam at 11.30 am. They were served with Malt and biscuits to refresh. A small introduction about VAMa and its activities were shared to them. Mr Kannya from VK Puram an elderly person of age of 70 years started to brief about Saturday event to all. Objective of the program are mentioned as 1. To remove isolation 2. To mingle with same age group 3. Sharing experiences 4. Making new friends and Hosting lunch to celebrate aging. It was also shared by an elder that “Our civil society is based on the giving and receiving of resources across the life span.”  Another elder mentioned that “Don’t ask me about my future plans ask me what l’ ve achieved today. It was a call for – Starting a new chapter in their lives. We will endeavour through this program to enable them to discover and rediscover their passion and live a happy life. We also made arrangements for medical consultation for elders through a Siddha Medical Doctor who is retired from Tirunelveli Siddha Medical Hospital.  It was a memorable event. We always thankful to you for your guidance and support.

Senior Citizen Facilitation Centre

On Sunday (12.06.2022) inaugurate Sailam, – three rooms built for caring elders.  To start with it would be a day care place and we plan to have week end programs regularly to remove isolation, and bring dignity in their aging process.

Physiotherapy camp at Vama trust

14/05/2022அன்று நமது வாமா அறக்கட்டளை சைலம் வளாகத்தில் வைத்து. இலவச பிஸியோதெரபி முகாம் நடைபெற்றது.இந்த முகாமை வாமா அறக்கட்டளை மற்றும் காந்தி கிராமம் அறக்கட்டளை ஔவை ஆசிரமம் இணைந்து நடத்தியது .நமது சிவசைலத்தை சுற்றியுள்ள கிராமங்களனா கல்யாணிபுரம், சம்மன்குளம்,பாங்களாகுடியிருப்பு , புதுக்குடியிருப்பு, மன்னார்கோவில், கருத்துப்பிள்ளையூர்  ஆகிய கிராமங்களில் இருந்து 60 வதற்கு மேற்பட்ட முதியோர்வர்கள்  வந்து கலந்து கொண்டு பயன்பெற்றனர். இவர்கள் நீன்டநாளக தீராத வலிகளால் சிரம்ம பட்டு வருகின்றன. எனவே அவர்களின்  குறைகளைக் அறிந்தும் அவர்களின் நலன் கருதியும் வாமா  அறக்கட்டளை இந்த மருத்துவ முகாமை ஏற்பாடுகளை செய்து இருந்து.

Mobile Home

30.04.2022 அன்று வாமா அறக்கட்டளையின் சைலம் இல்லம்  கல்யாணிபுரத்தில் வைத்து”Mobile Home” என்ற வாகனத்தின் அறிமுக விழா நடைபெற்றது. இந்த விழாவில் நமது வாமா அறக்கட்டளையின் மூலமாக 24 பேர் அமரக்கூடிய புதிய  வாகனம் (Van) ஒன்று வாங்கியுள்ளோம் .முதியவர்கள் தங்கள் முதுமையை முழுமையாக கொண்டாடுவதற்காக இந்த வாகனத்தில் அவர்களை அழைத்து கொண்டு வழிபாட்டு தலங்களுக்கு சென்று வருவதற்கு வாமா அறக்கட்டளை மூலமாக நடத்தப்படும் மருத்துவ முகாம்களுக்கு அழைத்து சென்று வருவதற்கு பயன்படுத்த இருக்கிறோம்.மேலும் இந்த விழாவில் சிறப்பு விருந்தினராக திரு.அ ழகப்பன்,Esyspro Infotech Limited, அவர்களும் வாமா அறக்கட்டளையின் நிர்வாகிகளும் ,பணியளர்களும்  பங்கு பெற்றார்கள் மற்றும் வாமாவின் பயனாளிகள் 30 க்கும் மேற்பட்டவர்கள் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.  இவர்களுக்கு மதிய உணவும் , புத்தாடைகளும் வழங்கப்பட்டது.

Tamil New Year

17.04.2022, அன்று சித்திரை திருநாள் முன்னிட்டு (தமிழ் புத்தாண்டு)  வாமா அறக்கட்டளை சார்பாக முதியோர்களுடன்  “முதுமையை முழுமையாக கொண்டாடுவோம்” என்ற பெயரில் விழா கொண்டாடப்பட்டது.இந்த விழாவில் வாமாவின் பயனாளிகள் 50க்கும் மேற்பட்டவர்கள் பங்கு பெற்றனர்.முதியவர்கள் தங்கள் இளமை கால நினைவுகளை பகிர்ந்து கொண்டனர்.அவர்களின் நிறைவேறாத ஆசைகளையும், மனதில் மறைத்து வைத்திருந்த ஆசைகளையும் பகிர்ந்து கொண்டனர். மலேஷியா திரு.சுப்பிரமணியம் ரிஷி  அவர்களின்  சார்பாகவும்,திரு.செந்தில்குமார் , சிங்கப்பூர் அவர்களின்  சார்பாகவும்  ,திருமதி. மைதிலி அவர்கள் சார்பாகவும் முதியோர்களுக்கு புத்தாடைகள்  மற்றும் மதிய உணவும் வழங்கப்பட்டது.

Women's day

We are glad to share that Women’s day was celebrated at Mannarkoil by the Vama Charitable Trust.   World Women’s Day 2022 theme of # BReAKTHeBiAS

Women Inspiring Women.

In this event,  inspiring women – Smt. Pushpa S Sankaraman, Smt. Pushpa Manikandan,Smt. Jyothi Kalpana (local municipal leader – recently elected), Ms.Ramya,organizer of women’s welfare and other leaders and members from Self help Groups participated and shared their experiences.

More than 130 women participated and some of them shared their views on women related issues.

Games like Musical Chair, Lemon and Spoon, Lucky Draw and One Minute game were organised and women forgetting their worries and time participated and enjoyed the moment of their presence.

The program was part of Vama’s project “Enable Elders to Pursue their passion” to give an opportunity to pursue dreams and passions that one might put on hold.  Vama team members put forth the concept of “Me Too Know” for housewives.  In the villages normally the students say that You Don’t Know Ma and mothers also graciously accept that. But it is unfortunate for both of them.  By encouraging women to learn both digital literacy and English in the proposed Composite School, Vama wishes to bridge the gap between mother and children.

deaddiction program



During the COVID-19, teachers of self-financing schools were one of the worst impacted and many became jobless due to closure of schools for a long time.  Some teachers who lost their jobs worked as coolies, assisting masons, agricultural labourers, servers serving food during marriages etc to survive. 

To support such teachers, our trust brought a proposal .

The program “Resilience” was conducted during April 2021 to November 2021 at 10 villages and around 210 students and 12 teachers benefited through this program.


Program “Resilience” helped students to continue to maintain and improve their academic skills and helped in removing the stress of unemployed or underemployed teachers through engagement in the Community School program.  It involved a community for bringing togetherness for the development of education and drive for children’s future goals.


As the Program “Resilience” was intended more to remove the isolation and mental stress of the students who were away from the school for a long time, post reopening of the schools, the program came to an end.

வாமா வில் கலந்துரையாடல்

தென்காசி மாவட்டம்  சிவசைலம்  அருகேயுள்ள  கல்யாணிபுரத்தில்  அமைந்துள்ள  “வாமா “அறக்கட்டளையின்  சார்பாக மூத்த குடிமக்கள் எதிர்கொள்ளும் பிரச்சினைகளும் ,சவால்களும் “என்ற தலைப்பில் கலந்துரையாடல்  நேற்று (12/02/2022) நடைபெற்றது.
  இந்த கூட்டத்தில் கல்யாணிபுரம் அருகே உள்ள கிராமங்களான  செட்டிகுளம் ,சிவசசைலம், புதுக்குடியிருப்பு, பங்களா குடியிருப்பு ஆகிய  கிராமங்களிலிருந்து மூத்த குடிமக்கள் கலந்துகொண்டனர் ,
“முதுமை ஒரு வரம் “என்ற பொன் மொழியோடு கலந்துரையாடல்  ஆரம்பமானது .இக்கூட்டதிற்கு வந்திருந்த உளவியல் துறை முனைவர் திரு யுவராஜ் அங்கிருந்த  முதியவர்களுடன் கலந்துரையாடினார்.முதியவர்கள்  தங்களின் தேவைகளான உணவு ,உடை, இருப்பிடம் போன்ற தேவைகளை தெரிவிக்கும் போது  வாமா அறக்கட்டளையின் உதவிகளான மதிய உணவு மற்றும் தீபாவளி புத்தாடை ,பலகாரங்கள் வழங்கும்  சேவைகளை  பாராட்டினார் ,  திரு யுவராஜ் தனது உரையின்போது  அடிப்படை தேவைகளான  உணவு  ,உடையுடன் பாதுகாப்பு மற்றும் அர்த்தமுள்ள வாழ்க்கைக்கான முக்கியத்துவத்தையும்  வாமா தனது சேவைகளில் இணைத்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று  தெரிவித்தார் ,மற்றும் அங்கு கூடியிருந்தவர்கள்  
இன்றைய காலத்தில் முதியவர்கள் எதிர்கொள்ளும் சுகாதார செலவுகள்
நிதி ஆதாரமின்மை   மற்றும் தனிமைப்படுத்துதல் போன்ற பிரச்சினைகளைப்  பற்றி விவாதித்தனர் .
முதுமை என்பது பணதேவை மட்டுமின்றி உடலாலும் மனதாலும் ஆதரவு தேடும் காலகட்டம் என்பதையும் பகிர்ந்தனர் .
கலந்துரையாடலின் கருத்துகளை அடிப்படையாகக்கொண்டு வாமா தன்னுடைய சேவையை மேம்படுத்தும்  என்று அதன்  அறங்காவலர் திரு சுந்தரம்  அவர்கள் தெரிவித்தார்.
கூட்டத்திற்கு வாமா அறக்கட்டளை அறங்காவலர் திரு சைலசுப்பிரமணியன்
முனைவர் திரு முருகேசன் ஓய்வு பெற்ற தலைமை ஆசிரியர்கள்  திரு பன்னீர்செவம் ,திரு லக்ஷ்மணன் ,திரு .மாடசாமி ,திரு கன்னையா ஸ்பிக்  மற்றும் திரு ஜி .கிருஷ்ணமுர்த்தி -சினிமா துறை  ஆகியோர்கள்  கலந்துகொண்டனர் .
விழா இனிதே விருந்துடன் முடிவடைந்தது
இந்த வாமா அறக்கட்டளை சமுதாயத்தில் அதிலும் குறிப்பாக முதிய சமுதாயத்தின் தேவைகளை நிறைவேற்றுவதோடு அவர்கள் சமுதாயத்தில் மதிப்பும் மரியாதையுடனும்  வாழ்ந்து மற்றவர்களுக்கு வழிகாட்ட உதவிடும் உயரிய நோக்கத்துடன் 2017 ல் ஆரம்பிக்கப்பட்டது என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது .



In India, as many studies indicate, the abuse and neglect of the elderly mostly by the relatives and care givers, people the elderly know and trust, and which affects their quality of life as well as is a violation of their rights to a life of dignity and respect is emerging as a serious concern.

The focus of the family shifted to the children and the status of the elderly, who once ruled the family got degraded. Thus, they became a liability to the family and caring for the elderly became a challenge to the family as well as the society. There is an increase among the elderly living alone or living with partner only as the children left the family in search of employment or a better livelihood.

Living arrangement of the elderly plays a vital role in empowering elderly by giving dignity. Unlike the earlier traditional family system where the elderly were the key decision makers in the household, today’s family system has changed with change in the role of each individual; the elderly has an unimportant role. However, it is indirectly understood that elderly who experienced life satisfaction have dignity when they are living with their family. One can enjoy their life at the later stages of life if they would get proper care and love.

The ongoing pandemic has caused unprecedented economic disruption and unemployment worldwide prompting both a financial and a humanitarian crisis.
The ongoing pandemic has caused unprecedented economic disruption and unemployment worldwide prompting both a financial and a humanitarian crisis.
The ongoing pandemic has caused unprecedented economic disruption and unemployment worldwide prompting both a financial and a humanitarian crisis.

Further, older adults are more likely to have dire outcomes from the Corona virus. It can also be a challenge to prevent older people from being exposed to the virus because they may not be fully independent. We also have to think about all of the ways that the pandemic affects older people’s lives beyond morbidity and mortality from the virus itself. I am concerned about people experiencing social isolation as a result of not being able to have visitors and not being able to go out and do things with other people. The effects are compounded for any older person who doesn’t have access to technology platforms like Skype and FaceTime or who has limited access to phone calls. Many lower-income older people have pay-per-minute phone plans, for example, and may have to choose between using their limited minutes for a phone visit with a doctor or a conversation with a grandchild. So we can’t assume that a switch to virtual socialization or virtual access to resources is going to work for all older people. Moreover, the ongoing pandemic has caused unprecedented economic disruption and unemployment worldwide prompting both a financial and a humanitarian crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted communities throughout the worldwide. While the implications of the concomitant economic downturn for older adults are just beginning to be recognized, past experience suggests that the consequences could be devastating for many. Analyses indicate that more than one out of five aged 65 years or older suffers from high economic insecurity risks. These findings highlight the overlap between current infection patterns and subsequent challenges to economic security that are impacting older people. Strategies and supports for getting people back to work must take into account the large segment of older people who rely on earnings well into later life.

Understanding the current economic situation and the challenges faced by the elders, VAMA intends to provide facilities to prepare Diwali sweets with the inherent talents of elders and supply the same to corporates and establishments who provide sweets during Diwali occasion to their employees.  It will benefit the elders to earn and celebrate Diwali with dignity and on the other hand, a tasty and home-made sweets are provided to the people with a Cause of their spending.

VAMA strongly believes that everyone is talented in one way or other and that such talents should not be wasted under the pretext of old age but instead be harnessed effectively and portrayed to the community.

We plan to instill a sense of achievement among the elders by

– Identifying and recognizing their latent talents in preparing the sweets and also by creating opportunities to showcase them through various enthusiastic activities.

– Portray the cause and value of the sweets prepared by such elders to various corporate organizations and thereby create opportunities for them to improve their financial status.

It is also proposed to seek donation and prepare sweets and other Diwali items by the elders and reach to those families who lost their only breadwinner during the COVID-19 pandemic.  


Apart from the above, during March & April 2021, 23 days vocational training for children at Avvai Ashram was conducted.

During the lock down due to COVID-19 pandemic, the whole week became Sundays. We had the possibilities to spend more time with our loving family. What didn’t we do? We did everything we could. We turned the pages of our life and went back to our childhood days and flew the kites, played some traditional indoor games with our loved ones, many turned into chefs and became expert in cooking, some of them turned into fitness freak and moreover many followed their hobbies and commenced the course of learning different skills.

After all, we were under one roof with the nurturing of our parents, siblings and other elderly persons in the family. But just think of the people who are far away from their loving family and the persons who don’t even have a family at all.  They are all withholding from experiencing such care and affection.

In a family atmosphere we have an opportunity to obtain a value based education like we learn to sacrifice as we see instances where other members of the family will give up their things for us, we learn how to behave with elders and younger ones, we learn discipline, we learn the team work, enjoy the outdoor and indoor games with grandparents and other kids, we are emotional creatures; we learn to manage our emotions also when we live in a joint family and so on.

The children in Avvai ashram are brought up and protected with great care and parental love. They are been provided with all basic needs like nutritious food, clothing, shelter and education. Throughout the year, these children stay in the ashram to continue with their education. Only once or twice in a year, that is in summer holidays, they go to their respective native place to meet their family. So the children in ashram, due to some unavoidable reasons are foregone from growing in a normal joint family atmosphere as we do.

VAMA Trust conducted twenty three days program for the children of Avvai Ashram with some valuable concepts namely Shakti (Stamina), Bhakti (Devotion) and Buddhi (Wisdom).

Various activities including preparation of traditional food, playing traditional games and learning from our Ethikasangal were conducted.


The first case of COVID -19 Pandemic in the Indian state of Tamilnadu was reported on 7th March 2020.Tamilnadu has the second highest number of confirmed cases in India after Maharashtra. As a result of that, lockdown has been announced and institutionalised education was suspended. Schools have been shut to prevent the spread of the virus and this has given way to online classrooms a very new concept in India even for the most sophisticated schools.

But our Avvai ashram students were not nourished by such classes because all were from poor family and having a smart phone is a dream and in addition to that they all were students of government or aided schools.

Having this in mind our VAMA Charitable Trust planned to engage our children through online section. Not only engaging to add values into their life. They are sufficient in basic needs such as food accommodation and clothing but need guidance to achieve in their life. To be frank they need a parental touch to add values in their life.

So that We have divided the students into 5 groups. Each group has represented one leader and team members. The teams were named as

1.Truth Speaking
5.Love and Caring

On 19th September 2020 and 20th September 2020 the Art of Living Program was held by Ms.SriRengamam, secretary of Avvai ashram and Mr.Jayakumar of AOL Team. In 19th September 2020 Truth Speaking and Honesty groups participated the students introduced themselves and they explained how to follow the truth speaking and honesty and the outcome of it

The remaining groups had participated in the session on 20th September 2020. This session is held by Mr. G Krishnamoorthy., and Mr. R. Venkatesh. The other groups of the students introduced themselves and explained how to respect others, how to be united with others and how to spread love and care in the society. Elders motivated the students by their experience and wished wholeheartedly the students who are about to propagate the values of honesty, truth speaking, Respect ,Unity and love and caring. Mr.Jayakumar sir also Motivated the students and taught the relaxing Asanas. The students participated with enthusiasm.

October 2nd Gandhi Jeyanthi
Celebration With Gandhigram Trust
@ Sivasailam

Due to COVID 19 VAMA charitable organized the Gandhi Jayanthi celebration through online.

VAMA trustees participated in -person. Gandhigramam
Trust, Managing Trustee Mr. Sivakumar participated online. He blessed Avvaiashram and told about the Gandhiji’s Sathya Sothanai book, He advised the children to follow Gandhiji’s words.

Gandhigram children sung the Gandhi Bajanai with the group, Avvaiashram children spoke about the incidents that happened in the Gandhiji’s life. Ms.Srirenkan and Mr, Balamuraugan also participated and spoke about the VAMA activities for society in association with Gandhi Gram Trust.

Gandhigram Sowbakya home children and Avvaiashram home program organized by VAMA online was a memorable one.
VAMA trustees all are committed to work for society and take the pledge on the stage.