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SATURDAY MILAN (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) – 131

We are happy to share the our 130th week of Sangamam at Sailam, where we conducted a combined program under the concept of Preserve the Talent.
We invited Dr.Ramasamy to give awareness on iyarkai maruthuvam and Mr.Inbasekaran for debate.
Dr. Ramasamy spoke about traditional Tamil medicine (Maruthuvam) and the ancient dietary practices followed by Tamilians for maintaining good health. He emphasized the importance of:

SATURDAY MILAN (சனிக்கிழமை சங்கமம்) – 130

We are happy to share the our 130th week of Sangamam at Sailam, where we conducted a combined program under the concept of Preserve the Talent.
We invited Dr.Ramasamy to give awareness on iyarkai maruthuvam and Mr.Inbasekaran for debate.
Dr. Ramasamy spoke about traditional Tamil medicine (Maruthuvam) and the ancient dietary practices followed by Tamilians for maintaining good health. He emphasized the importance of: